Community Foundation at 1910 Ingersoll
OfficeBetter Together
The Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines is a nonprofit foundation that connects donors to individually meaningful causes. Through this work the foundation supports sustainable and vibrant nonprofit organization development and provides leadership on important community issues. The new building is where the modern iteration of Community Foundation will continue to grow and develop.
Nod to the Historic Finkbine
The new building on the Community Foundation campus pays homage to the historic Finkbine Mansion through durable materials and craftsmanship while remaining modern in technology and form. Consistently applied brand and quality communicate a feeling of stability and solid leadership capturing the foundation’s mission of “stability, trust, and longevity.”
Extension of the Community Foundation
The Finkbine Mansion has a sentimental and long-standing connection to the identity and mission of the Community Foundation. The 1910 Ingersoll building and plaza design visually connects and expands the facilities of the Community Foundation through intentional circulation and materiality establishing a campus feel.