Urbane Appleton
Commercial / ResidentialBridge Network
Infill site bridges the existing connected network of College Avenue with the disconnected network of the public library, transit center, and neighborhoods to the north. Add density and vitality to Washington Street and reinforce north-south connection along Oneida Street.
Gracious Space
The Imagine Fox Cities community visioning project identified themes and a vision for the future of the Fox Cites. One theme was maintaining and creating gracious spaces that connect us and encourage the community to engage. Urbane Appleton will serve as critical social infrastructure to help individuals nurture real relationships. A place of rich cultural diversity rooted in deep connection, caring, generosity, and compassion.
Rotational Energy
Appleton has a deep historic connection to the Fox River, whose waters have provided energy to turn flour mills, saw mills, and paper mills. It was home to the Atlas Mill, the largest of its kind in 1879 and eventually replaced by Vulcan Station, the first hydro-electric power station to serve customers in North America. This industrious rotational energy lends inspiration for the architectural expression. As the river turns turbines and paper flows through rollers, the building’s geometry and articulation direct the flow of pedestrians to public plazas, entries, and green space.