On the boards lobby concept for The Wringer in Newton, Iowa On the boards two bedroom concept for The Wringer in Newton, Iowa

The Maytag workers played a large role within the community or Newton and contributed significantly to Its growth. This design should create an experience for the users that tells the story of the worker and shine a light on the history of the sexism and empowerment of the woman worker in particular.


It is important that the character of the prior functions these buildings held is not lost through the insertion of new program. The spatial qualities, features, and finishes that are distinctive of historic factory/warehouse spaces should be carried throughout the new design to highlight the building’s unique history.


Stay authentic in our approach to materiality. There is a history here, so don’t recreate something to look old, but rather celebrate what Is there by keeping it raw and and exposed. Highlight this history through the juxtaposition of the new insertions and furnishings within the raw backdrop of the existing envelope.