Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives- Willa A. Foster
Well.. maybe not in the art of attempting to provide sun exposure over a company lunch outing. But lies within the quality relationships we build by celebrating together and the impactful work we create.
Our colleagues over at the Hansen Company were kind enough to share this video of the progress at Fiedler & Timmer’s new office.
As designers we get to have a lot of fun days working with our client and contractor partners. On April 29th, Slingshot and The Hansen Company broke ground with the Fiedler & Timmer family kicking off the project. F&T works hard for their clients in the fight for a fair work environment. Their new space will allow for the opportunity to unplug with the offices arranged around the family room, spilling out onto the patio while framing views of the existing ponds. Moments like this in the workplace inspire spontaneous collaboration with colleagues that can spark a creative solution to the tasks at hand. We can’t wait to see their new space take shape over the next few months and enjoy their patio.

Slingshot Architecture and Hubbell Realty Company are excited to bring unique urban living to downtown Des Moines with 5Fifty5 Townhomes. The 47-unit development will create a contemporary, dense urban neighborhood with iconic views of the downtown skyline and Des Moines River. With close proximity to downtown and the Des Moines trail system, 5Fifty5 provides an excellent setting for urban dwellers and nature seekers alike. The first units are scheduled to open spring 2016.
Go to http://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/money/business/development/2015/05/08/hubbell-townhomes-des-moines/27000721/

A team is not a group of people that work together. A team is a group of people that trust each other. – Simon Sinek
Slingshot is looking for talented individuals excited about impacting urban spaces in in Des Moines, Cedar Falls and Winnipeg. Our team is energetic, collaborative and highly creative. If you are interested in joining the team, apply here.

Last week Lawmark Capital unveiled the exterior lighting project on the Financial Center. Slingshot worked with KCL Engineering (http://www.kclengineering.com) and Mike Lambert to elevate the visibility of the FC on the Des Moines Skyline. Over the next several months we will also renovate the lobby and front/rear entries. We are excited as the FC building will become the office tower of choice for businesses. Attached are photos from the Des Moines Register.